When I grew up in Nebraska and not much variety of produce was available in those “dark ages”, I had a fourth grade teacher who brought exotic fruits to her classroom so that we could sample them. This experience was something I will never forget.
Fast forward many years and I still love learning about exotic fruits. They are colorful, so unusual, and juicy and sweet! When I thought about what I wanted to make to mix it up a bit for Thanksgiving, I chose a fruit tray full of exotic fruits. My tray had rambutan (the egg shaped fruit with the red fuzzy exterior), papaya, star fruit, dragon fruit, and tiny and sweet baby pineapple (also known as Queen Victoria pineapple).
I needed a tray to bring to a Friendsgiving and another for my family for the holiday. Where else would I go to choose beautiful fruits but online to Melissa’s Produce, the largest distributor of specialty produces in the world and based in Los Angeles. I have had the opportunity of visiting their wholesale distribution center to sample some of their amazing recipes created from their produce.
In the past, I have ordered baskets from Melissa’s online for gifts for friends because I knew everything would arrive fresh. It also makes for a very interesting gift because of the wide variety in each gift basket.
I have some friends that only eat organic fruits and vegetables that would be at the Friendsgiving gathering. I knew Melissa’s would be the perfect place for organic and a wide variety.
Melissa’s has handy recipes on their website, but for my fruit trays I just wanted to design my own beautiful trays.

It was so much fun to add an artistic touch to these trays and have everyone sample some fruits they have never tasted before.
I was lucky to get fruits that I requested as a gift from Melissa’s, but I will continue to order gift baskets for friends for special occasions because I know they will be delighted.