Statuesque mountains and deep, roughly carved canyons created the backdrop for sagebrush and conifers as we traveled to the unique town of Taos. A small group of us from the… [Continue Reading]
Author: Linda Milks
Pechanga Resort Casino is the largest casino in California, and we are blessed to have this establishment in Temecula, California. There is more to Pechanga than the casino, and a… [Continue Reading]
Driving out to wine country in Temecula, California, our group was eagerly anticipating just what was in store at Europa Village. We were a group of wine writers learning about… [Continue Reading]
Green or red? That seems to be the question when you are ordering in Santa Fe, New Mexico. While I was in Santa Fe for the IFWTWA (International Food, Wine… [Continue Reading]
By Linda Milks and Sue Montgomery As we drove up to the small cottage in Ocean Beach, home to Bo Beau Kitchen + Bar, one of the Cohn restaurant group’s… [Continue Reading]
By Linda Milks and Susan Montgomery As we embarked on a preview for San Diego Restaurant Week, we were excited to visit Tom Ham’s Lighthouse Restaurant. Tom Ham’s Lighthouse Restaurant… [Continue Reading]
Words cannot begin to express the sense of luxury and serenity I felt upon arriving at El Monte Sagrado (meaning Sacred Mountain) Living Resort and Spa in Taos, New Mexico…. [Continue Reading]
Who knew that as part of the chocolate making process, the chocolate bean ferments just like wine. I thought I knew a lot about chocolate. After all, I have… [Continue Reading]
Can a historic hotel provide luxury accommodations? That was what I wondered before staying at La Fonda on the Plaza in Santa Fe. Before I was lucky enough to attend… [Continue Reading]
Our Wine Review Council spent a beautiful fall afternoon sipping wines on the patio at the home of Noreen and Mike Kompanik in San Diego. We occasionally meet to pair… [Continue Reading]